The PortaLinux Markup Language, PLML for short, is a simple markup language that is mainly used for configuring PortaLinux system software, such as pl-srv and some other programs within pl-coreutils.
The PLML syntax is based on TOML. PLML is basically an attempt to simplify TOML into an INI-like language. Because of PLML being a subset of TOML, any PLML file is a valid TOML file and can be parsed by any TOML parsing library.
The PLML syntax only has three types of tokens:
variable = 1234
variable = "basic string"
or variable = 'literal string'
variable = true
or variable = false
variable = 123.456
variable = [ 123, 1999, 6502 ]
or variable = [ 123.456, 23.45, 1.25 ]
or [ "string1", 'string2', "string3" ]
name = 123 # This will get ignored by the parser :3
This is an example PLML file that shows all the features of this TOML subset:
# This is an example PLML File
property1 = "test string 123" # Basic string
property2 = 1234 # Integer
property3 = true # Boolean
property4 = 1.5 # Float
property5 = [ 123, 2011, 6502 ] # Array